Got a Hobby: Clay Modeling!

1. What ingredients are required?
Clay modeling is an art that deals with shaping up soil. The basic ingredient is wet mud, usually covered with wet sacks to keep it moist. Nowadays an ingredient called ‘patti’ (used by glass workers to join pieces of glass) is available in the market. This is less expensive and can be used instead of mud.
Secondly, you require tools. There are many tools available for modeling clay. If you are a beginner on a tight budget, it is possible to make your own tools from hair pins to old credit cards; anything can be used as a tool here.
Last but not the least, you require good imagination. I’ve seen many people confuse this art with painting and give up on it. I’d like to clarify that these are two different art forms. I feel clay modeling is specific and simpler than painting.

2. How does one get started?
One just needs a clay blob to get started. Your hands are your best sculpting instruments.
3. Method for making clay models...
There are three steps to modeling clay:
Creating form
Adding detail
When you start, you just have a clay blob. First, you need to create a rough shape. You can do this with your hands. This method is called creating a form.
Once you’ve come up with a rough shape, you need to add details to this form. You might require cutting some portion of clay or adding some more parts to it. Cutting can be done by using slim wires.
The third step is to smooth the imperfections. If you’re using clay, you can wet your hands in water and then use fingers to smoothen the edges.
4. Tips for beginners...
Always remember the CAF rule: Create Form, Add Details, and Finish
Beginners can work well with just plain mud and use their hands to craft it. This is the basic art of clay modeling
Begin by creating simple items like bells, jewellery, crockery, etc. Once you gain confidence, take on sculpting human figures
5. How can one enhance their models?
One can enhance their models by using paint or accessories. Using tools also helps. Clay modeling, according to me, requires an individualistic approach. Finally, it’s you ideas that are taking form.
Now that's a pretty good article...Any questions, contact :
yahooo .. jayanthi... my article on your blog... it rocks!! :)
my pleasure, Astha!
really interesting stuff... i would have tried it out but my roomies mite not like it if they have to walk in a room full of mud... so this hobby is reserved till i get a house of my own :D
When I was a kid, I used to play with mud and tried to form objects. It was fun.
I am sure this art/skill will be really fun too.
Did you try clay modeling anytime xanks?
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