Sunday, September 20, 2009
Unnai pol oruvan - Class!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Way to Peace..
Well, so far, so good, but what matters is translating the entire content into Japanese for I have to speak about about this in my Japanese class..now starts the fun :-)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Kandasamy -- Chiyaan, Super!!!

P.S. : Oops, How did I forget to mention about Prabhu. He's one of my favourite actors and as usual, I liked him so much in this movie too. :-)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A shout for a blackout...
To us, and to many others I know, our ideal weekend would be to go to a theatre and catch a movie, eat at a favourite place, buy a DVD on our way back home and watch it and also watch the good movies in TV. Well, a correction, our idea of an ideal weekend would be to finish some of the pending tasks (like trying to sort out a shelf for the last 6 months, do some general reading/study etc.) and also relax, while the practical weekend would be the formerly listed ones. Anyway, it's been quite sometime since we went to theatres, but the TV comes to our rescue. Last Saturday and Sunday, we kept switching channels only to find that none of the channels had interesting programmes. We thought that maybe it was God's own way of saying "Switch off the TV and do something useful". :-)
I remember my school and college days when we had no cable connection, just our dear old Doordarshan. Life was way better then, I found time for just everything, learning what I wanted to, learning what I didnt want to, reading books, assisting dad (well, my dad doesn't read my blog, so doesn't matter), staying in touch with a whole bunch of friends, relatives, etc., going out, coming in, oh common, whatever! I just found time for everything. I remember complaining(pulambufying) so much when mom won't let me go and watch movies. She'd say, "common it's only 6 months since you watched the last movie". Grrrrr! I swore to her that one day a man will come to marry me and that he would be a movie freak and we would watch so many movies together and I would make up for the lost 24 years of my life. Sometimes when people asked me in front of my parents as to what guy I wanted to marry, a Doctor or an Engineer, I would exclaim "One who loves watching movies and has cable TV at home" :-). Doordarshan should be grateful to us for we were the ones who were watching the last telecast of 'Chithi' on Podhigai when the remaining Tamil Nadu was watching chithi grown into Arasi.
Anyways, my wish was fulfilled. My husband does happen to be a movie lover and I used to call up mom every weekend after wedding to let her know that we are going for a movie. :P:P. Although I still miss those days of catching a movie every weekend at Sathyam or Inox with husband and buddies, I realise the things that am missing out in life by giving TV priority when I shouldn't actually be. I dont watch TV when I have some work to do. But somehow idle times are spent with just the TV. I have a very dear friend here in Bangalore who I haven't visited yet. It's been a year and a half since we came here, but we still haven't found the time for visiting our friends who were one of the appealing reasons for relocating to Bangalore.
Gone are the days of chatting with family and friends for long hours. Mom would literally say "Shut up and go and read your books" when my sis and me keep on talking to ourselves or to her. Gone are the days of catching up with friends and having a hearty talk, never a gossip though :-). It's been quite sometime since I'v been in touch with my friends also. We crib saying that we don't find time for anything. Over here, although I'v quit working, I' v been quite busy lately. I would define the best way of relaxing as sitting and watching TV while ealier my idea of unwinding would be sleeping, useful hobbies, catching up with buddies and reading. So now, am either busy or watching TV. I'v realised that I found time for more things when I was busier. :-) and that answers our cribbing too. :-)
So, here's a weird wish to have a sudden blackout for a day. When all that you can do is talk. :-) A blackout it will be, but no cooking also, we'll order something from outside. Oops, shouldn't the delivery boy and the restaurant enjoy a blackout too? :-) Ok, let there be cooking at home:-). And also, a fan, that's so essential at any circumstance, you see! :-)
Anyway, no denying the fun behind watching TV with family and friends. And no denying the fact that there are so many wonderful movies that should be seen. Couch potato-ing is fun and life without some fun is a bore. A weekend without a movie with your dear one is definitely not complete. Just that in the process, one needs to be balanced and not develop the subconscious addiction to it. These days, everybody including those retired men are so addicted to TV, especially their serials. But one good thing out of the whole story is that it's nice to go out shopping on the days of festivals for everybody's at home watching "Thiraikku vandha sila maadhangale aana putham pudhiya thirappadam" or "thiraikke varaamal odivitta putham pudhiya thiraippadam". :-)
Friday, May 1, 2009
It's all about consuming..
So, on the same day, there was immense puking and dysentry and all that. The situation was brought to control the next day. However I continued to be on electral water. We have copper jug at home as drinking water in that jug is considered to be very good for health. I mixed electral in the water in that jug and after a few hours, gulped down half the jug of water only to find at the last gulp that the water tasted extremely bitter. I asked my husband and he shouted at me for having mixed electral in that jug as the jug is copper and electral was full of salts. Found the contents of electral to be K, Na (wow! I love showing off now writing all these :P ) and Cl2. Oops, Chloride, maybe was that Copper and Chloride combination? Well, whatever my bird brain could understand, I poured down the water and found it to be blue. My fear knew no bounds. I forcefully puked out everything that I drank and found some mental relief. :P:P. But then my mother in law suggested having butter milk. Looks like in case of any such food poison like this, butter milk is one's way out. Anyway, am fine now, not to worry! :P:P
End of day, lessons learnt,
1. Be careful about what you eat. In my case, I should have bought bread and buns from a bakery, freshly baked. And, it's important to gain the ability to identify the spoilt goods, trust me, the bun looked just perfect, but on conscious observation of the other bun, I found it harder and a little different from the usual ones.
2. Never have too much of anything, even water, before tasting it. Have a taste of anything and everything before beginning to eat or drink. My three year old cousin is better off when she has a taste of everything and then decides whether to eat or not, be it even the food that she has regularly. ;-)
3. In case of immediate realisation of having consumed adulterated food, have a cup of butter milk (not curd) immediately.
4. During and after dehydration, have plenty of fluids, atleast for the next four days. Man, it's hard to remember to drink fluids once you are fine, but that's so much vital to be able to feel fit again. Important, have only bland food for atleast four days after recovery.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Can't help cursing...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Delhi-6 -- must watch!!

Post delayed by a week in spite of the eagerness to write this post right after watching the movie.
Watched Delhi 6 finally after waiting for almost 2 months from the time I saw the trailer of the movie. Although I got mixed reviews after it's release, I decided to watch the movie, for I guessed I may love this movie (in spite of the fab reviews, I didn't enjoy Rang de Basanti much). Ok, no matter if the movie was bad, I wanted to watch it for three reasons (ARR's another masterpiece, AB Jr. whose big fan am these days, the stunningly beautiful and smart Sonam Kapoor).
But the movie was a fantastic experience. It was one of it's kind. The star cast and character portrayals were fantastic. Be it the sweetness of some superstitions (like the dhadhi getting the blessing of Gomaadha at a serious situation), the Hindu Muslim friendship among the people at Delhi 6, the neighbour ties, the homely atmosphere, the innocent Gobar who was actually the most sensible sometimes, the concerned, bold and casual Jalebi who did a wonderful job (proving that the character that seems outside is actually not the one inside), the growing-smarter-with-age Rishi Kapoor at his best as always, the women of two families whose friendship continued by sweet means despite the rebellious men, the damn sweet Sonam Kapoor and her dream of becoming the Indian Idol, the smart and casual Abhishek looking smarter, the sweet love that never was between the two and finally the Kala Bandhar and its nash :). I think the concept of the movie was a profound one shown in the lightest possible manner. The kala Bandhar concept and the perceptions of the people were brilliant, but at times it did get really funnier making the entire movie light.
And talk about the songs. A R Rahman's another masterpiece. Every song was fantastic. 'Masakalli' was full of life, 'Yeh Delhi hai' was fab and I'v written about it already in my previous post, 'Genda Phool' was stunning with the perfect blend of music, situation, AB's dance steps :P and the voice chasing the masakallis, 'Arziyaan' turned out to be wonderful after watching the movie. And the melodies 'Dil Gira Kahin Per Dafatan' (reminded of some other song, am not sure right now) and 'Rehna Tu' and its tail music were amazing too. Every song was brilliant.
Basically, the movie is an entertainer with a theme that was shown in a unique and lovely way. The thought behind the portrayal of the concept and the characters was brilliant. The actors were fantastic. Somehow, all the 2 and odd hours I was hoping that the movie wouldn't end. If this is a highly exaggerated review compared to all other reviews, maybe it was just me who loved the movie so much. Well, end of day, it was a great watch and I would love to watch it again. :):)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hats Off to A R RAHMAN, the Genius!!!

Whatever , be it the latest “Yeh Delhi hai” song in Delhi 6 or the miraculous other songs that he has music-directed so far, can they be better than “Chinna chinna asai” or “Pudhu Vellai Mazhai” or “kaadhal Rojave” from his debut movie “Roja”? Well, it’s just impossible to compare his songs and choose the best. Appovum Genius, ippovum Genius dhaan! I heard that the famous “sottu neelam thoi” was his music composition. Really? Well, I have to listen to it again :-)
Well, what’s all this hype about the Slumdog Millionaire songs? Honestly, I didn’t like them much. If Rahman is to be nominated an Oscar and also win it, I guess there are so many other songs of his, that have proved to be highly unique and totally marvellous and the best. My personal feeling is just that the much deserved recognition for him could have come in earlier, not through a movie that’s hyped and attracted International attention coz of a Foreigner’s direction. Well, I did watch the movie and found it great, but is that one of it’s kind and have there never been such movies before? Had the exactly same movie been directed by an Indian, would it have been hyped so much internationally? :-)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What??? Best way to handle recession? What are we planning for a few years down the lane - Artificial plantations, artificial rains and artificial Nature itself?? How could such a narrow-scoped and selfish decision be taken?
Ex policeman, serial rapist and killer, who escaped from the bars quite a few times and committed more crime. A psycho gang of men and women with some still happy outside. Ignored by local inspectors and as policemen had not regularised his arrest, they tried hushing it up. Talk about law and security and oath and responsibility.
About 50,000 litres of Gangajal from Lakshman jhula near Rishikesh will arrive here by train to be distributed to all major Shiva temples across 175 taluks in the state to mark Maha Shivaratri.
Yeah, the most important thing of the current day scenario has been attended to. No other better things to do than this.
Where are we going? With so many literates and so many facilities to bring about a good quality of life in the country, what's all this??
But, one good news...
More than 50 families will protest by blocking traffic on their road on Thursday evening. Their aim? To restore silence and peace in this particular road, the traffic density of which has grown shockingly high. With no proper response to their repeated representations to authorities at all levels throughout the year, residents have finally decided to take this extreme measure.
Hats off and all the best!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The focus has shifted, as expected..
India has been suffering from the shocking Mumbai attacks about a couple of months back. This time the attacks were really severe and that's obviously due to the later effects of negligence despite being aware of this terrorism. We knew that the gradual cure was alertness and focus and not negligence. So, when the attack got really unbearable this time, there was large focus for quite a few days. When they happened, everybody said that this would create hype now, but when the next issue pops up, this will die and will be neglected until the next terror attack happens. But surprisingly, till a few days back, the newspapers and news focussed on the Mumbai terror attacks. Recently, India was affected by the news of Satyam fraud (how dare to name the company 'Satyam'?). Now, corporate fraud started disturbing the country more than the terror attacks. The focus shifted. Satyam and World Bank's barring of top Indian companies are on the new regularly putting aside the analysis and detailed reports behind terror attacks as the latter is not intense now. But we know that it's there and negligence is going to lead to something more severe again, just that everytime it gets worse. The right thing to do would be to place a balanced focus. I understand that there are different teams working on different issues, but here, am talking about the FOCUS of the media (who blamed about focus shift when the Mumbai terror attacks happened)and public and the Government that has shifted because that means a full stop to more detail questioning and analysis into issues.
First case, jujubi (Imagine Rajni sayin that ;) ). Second case, same mindset, but just thinking about the intensity and the mass being affected.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Walking in the park on a beautiful morning

One of the two good things of living in Bangalore is its beautiful parks (and the other being the climate, which although is shocking these days, is much better than Chennai). Not only are the parks dense with trees, they are also beautifully maintained (at least the parks if not the roads). They are inviting. I went to a nearby park for a walk (actually "walking" :-)) once and I was so carried away by the bliss that I wanted to go there just everyday. This particular park is like a maintained forest that has a pathway inside. The association (I guess that's how they call) maintains boards at the corners in the park that have a quotation and its meaning written in both English and Kannada (thank Goodness, atleast here there's not just Kannada, enabling everybody to read). And trust me, there is a new quotation everyday. Early in the mornings and evenings, one hears beautiful music or devotional songs or slokas in just the right volume that makes your walk a truly enjoyable one.
Nothing can be just perfect, you know. Talk about the crowd, but then I have no rights to blame the number of people there, all I need to do is go early :). But then, the way they walk, oh my God! Should we bring about something like Park Etiquettes? One common scene is two or three women chatting and walking and blocking the way for others. It's funny when some of them walk really fast and still manage to keep talking. Wonder if they believe that it's a good breathing exercise, as in, control over breath, contrary to the popular belief of taking long breaths. :):). Of course, there are some, who loiter talking about what happened when the neighbour's son returned from the USA or when their friend participated in that cookery show or when their troublemaker neighbour made that dish (recognised from the smell). Don't ask me about how I knew all that, but when one has to slow down and ask an excuse and walk past them (should I also mention their volume), one cant help hearing what's the discussion about. And, it's frustrating!!!! Wonder what the benches in the park are for.
Once, there were a group of eight to ten men loudly chatting and laughing and walking (two or three in a row, some fast and some slow) in the park. Disappointing many's expectations, they took so many rounds. And, this was at 7 AM on a Sunday morning. Seriously, what business do you guys have there? All that I could do was shout an "Excuse Me! Pls. give way" and walk past. Everytime I do this, there is some kind of satisfaction of making these people know that they are not the only ones in the park(as if they didn't know?) and that there is atleast one showing out the frustration. Should be of some use :)