-- Jayanthi Vivek

One of the two good things of living in Bangalore is its beautiful parks (and the other being the climate, which although is shocking these days, is much better than Chennai). Not only are the parks dense with trees, they are also beautifully maintained (at least the parks if not the roads). They are inviting. I went to a nearby park for a walk (actually "walking" :-)) once and I was so carried away by the bliss that I wanted to go there just everyday. This particular park is like a maintained forest that has a pathway inside. The association (I guess that's how they call) maintains boards at the corners in the park that have a quotation and its meaning written in both English and Kannada (thank Goodness, atleast here there's not just Kannada, enabling everybody to read). And trust me, there is a new quotation everyday. Early in the mornings and evenings, one hears beautiful music or devotional songs or slokas in just the right volume that makes your walk a truly enjoyable one.
Nothing can be just perfect, you know. Talk about the crowd, but then I have no rights to blame the number of people there, all I need to do is go early :). But then, the way they walk, oh my God! Should we bring about something like Park Etiquettes? One common scene is two or three women chatting and walking and blocking the way for others. It's funny when some of them walk really fast and still manage to keep talking. Wonder if they believe that it's a good breathing exercise, as in, control over breath, contrary to the popular belief of taking long breaths. :):). Of course, there are some, who loiter talking about what happened when the neighbour's son returned from the USA or when their friend participated in that cookery show or when their troublemaker neighbour made that dish (recognised from the smell). Don't ask me about how I knew all that, but when one has to slow down and ask an excuse and walk past them (should I also mention their volume), one cant help hearing what's the discussion about. And, it's frustrating!!!! Wonder what the benches in the park are for.
Some clap all the way when walking, but then, excused if that's some walkin therapy although it's such a disturbance when it prevents one from walking past them due to the vigorously swinging hands. But I should appreciate those who are thoughtful enough to do such a walking outside the park where the crowd is really less and they are not a hindrance to those walkin behind them. And, some do the criss-cross walking, wonder what's that for. I walk behind and when I try to walk past them thru the left, there they cross, and when I move to the right, there they come too. Common sense! Can't they even see people walking behind them and finding it very hard to cross them and go? If the concept of criss-cross walking is to increase the number of steps, why not take an extra round? This is the better than the silliest I could think of.
Once, there were a group of eight to ten men loudly chatting and laughing and walking (two or three in a row, some fast and some slow) in the park. Disappointing many's expectations, they took so many rounds. And, this was at 7 AM on a Sunday morning. Seriously, what business do you guys have there? All that I could do was shout an "Excuse Me! Pls. give way" and walk past. Everytime I do this, there is some kind of satisfaction of making these people know that they are not the only ones in the park(as if they didn't know?) and that there is atleast one showing out the frustration. Should be of some use :)
Not to mention about some Parkside Paramatmas who exercise to impress or those who just happily sit and birdwatch. As long as they are not a hindrance and can be ignored, why complain? :). At least they stick to the benches or exercise in the lanes where poeple don't walk. There are these men who stand in the middle of the lane for minutes together worshipping the Sun. Sirs! You will be Blessed with a healthy life, but please don't stop others who walk for their good health. Finally, a mention about those who eat snacks walking in the park and throw away the paper, too dumb to even think about how beautiful the parks are being maintained.
The parks are lovely, neat with nice weather,
But I have promises to tether,
Metres to go for me AND OTHERS
Metres to go for me AND OTHERS.
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